Tuesday 22 January 2013

0 Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan


1889/90:          Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan was born in the house of Behram Khan at Utmanzai, Charsaada.
1896:   He was admitted in village mosque.
1898:   Admitted in Municipal Board High School Peshawar.
1901:               Admitted in Edward Mission High School, Kohati Gate Peshawar.         
1906:               Refused Commission Guides- the most prestigious army corps in the royal British defence.
1908:               Joined the Islamic School at Aligarh.
1909:               Decided against studying in England
1910:               Open a school with the assistance of Maulvi Abdul Aziz at his hometown Utmanzai.
1911:               Joined the reform movement of Haji Sahib of Turangzai.
1912:               Married to Meharqanda, daughter of Yar Muhammad Khan of Rajar.
1913:               His first son Abdul Ghani was born.
1913:               Attended a meeting of Muslim League in Agra.
1914:               On the invitation of Sheikh Mahmud-ul-Hasan went to Deoband with Maulvi Fazal Rabi and Maulvi Fazal Mahmud Makhfi.
1914:               Went to Bajaur to perform Chilla (Meditation in Seclusion).
1915:               The British authorities banned his mission of opening mosque schools.
1915:               In December his second son Abdul Wali Khan was born.
1918:               His first wife died in an epidemic.
1919:               Started his political career with protest against Rowalt Act.
1919:               Arrested on charges of sedition. Released on the surety of Rs.30, 000/.
1919:               Married for the second time with “Nambata”, cousin of his first wife and daughter of Sultan Muhammad Khan.
1920:               Went to Delhi to attend the Khilafat Conference.
1920:               Migrated to Kabul in Hijrat Movement.
1920:               Provincial Khilafat Committee was reconstituted and Abdul Gaffar Khan was appointed as its president.
1920:               Collected funds in Frontier Province for the Khilafat cause. The fund should be reserved for running the educational institutions in the province that has been closed in 1915 by the Government.
1921:               Baacha Khan kept the foundation of Azad Islamia School in 1921 at Utmanzai.
1921:               He founded the “Anjuman-i-Islah-ul-Afghania” (Society for the reform of the Afghans).
1921:               From his second wife a daughter named Mehar Taja was born on 25th May, 1921.
1921:               He was arrested on 17th December and sentenced three years rigorous imprisonment under 40 F.C.R (Frontier Crime Regulation). The charges registered against him were that he took active part in Hijrat movement and the return setup of Azad School.
1921:               Refused the Govt. offer in jail brought by his elder brother, Dr. Khan Sahib and some other prominent Pakhtun leaders. The government offers that he was free to open the Azad schools but should stop the country side visits, he would be release.
1922:               When he was in Jail his third son Abdul Ali Khan (the educationalist) was born from his second wife on 20th August 1922 (Died on 19th February 1997).
1923:               His mother died when he was in Dera Ghazi Khan Jail.
1923:               His elder brother Dr. Khan Sahib got his doctorate from Saint Thomas Hospital, London.
1924:               He was release from Jail.
1924:               On release from Jail, a Jirga at Utmanzai give him the title “Fakhr-e-Afghan” (Pride of Afghans).
1924:               He visited extensively the whole Frontier Province to see the Azad schools run by the Khudai Khidmatgars.
1926:               He went to Calcutta to attend the annual meeting of All Indian National Congress.
1926:               His father Behram Khan was died.
1926:               Went to Mecca to perform Hajj with his second wife and elder sister.
1926:               After performing Hajj, he with his wife visit to different places in Saudi Arabia, Palestine and etc. During his visit in Palestine his wife was died in Baith-ul-Muqaddas.
1928:               After return from Hajj in May 1928, he starts the publication of monthly journal “Pukhtoon” in Pashto language.
1928:               He established a group of young people by the name of “Jawan-e-Subah Sarhad” (Youth league of Frontier Province). This league was later on changed into the famous movement “Khudai Khidmatgar” (Servants of God).
1928:               Went to Calcutta with his colleagues to attend the Khilafat Conference. In Calcutta he met with Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal and Ali brothers to discuss the Frontier and Afghanistan situation.
1928:               On 11th November he was appointed as vice president of Frontier Provincial committee.
1929:               He went to Lahore to attend the annual meeting of the congress, which demanded for the complete freedom of India.
1929:               He went to Lucknow to attend the Congress meeting. He met Ghandi and Nehru for the first time.
1929:               He celebrated the victory of Kabul by Nadir Khan over Bacha-i-Saqao in Hashtnagar along Khudai Khidmatgars.
1929:               He visited India to mobilize the support for the Pakhtun stands over the Afghanistan issue.
1929:               He reorganized the formal “Jawan-e-Subah Sarhad” (Youth league of Frontier Province) “Khudai Khidmatgar” (Servants of God). It was a social reform organization. With the passage of time harsh attitude of British turn it into political organization.
1929:               He resigned from the president ship of Khilafat Committee because the body became anti-Congress.
1929:               On 18th and 19th April the first official meeting of Khudai Khidmatgar was convened at Utmanzai. About 200 red shirts attend the meeting. 
1929:               In September, he founded the political wing of Khudai KhidmatgarZalmo Jirga” (Youth league). Later on it was called the “Afghan Jirga” (Afghan league).
1930:               On April 23rd Abdul Gaffar Khan addressed a mass meeting at Utmanzai exhorting people to participate in civil disobedience movement.
1930:               In April, “Pakhtoon” Magazine was banned.
1930:               On 23rd April Baacha Khan was arrested at Nahqi under F.C.R (Frontier Crime Regulation) and imprisoned for three years with his colleagues.
1930:               In response of Baacha Khan arrest, massacre of Kissa Khwani Bazaar take place on 23rd April.
1930:               On 2nd May, the people of Frontier strike against the Government.
1930:               On May 13th the army besieged Utmanzai to force the people to leave the Khudadi Khidmatgar movement.
1930:               On 28th May, massacre of Takkar take place.
1930:               During imprisonment Bacha Khan promised that he and his Khudai Khidmatgars join the Congress if they can help them in their release from Jail.
1931:               After one year imprisonment Bacha Kahn released with other Khudai Khidmatgars form Dera Gahzi Khan Jail under Ghandi-Irwin Pact.
1931:               In March he went to Karachi with 100 Khudai Khidmatgars to attend the Congress meeting in which he was invited formally for the first time.
1931:               In April Bacha Khan went to Delhi to attend the Congress session.
1931:               On 9th June Bacha Khan proceed with Ghandi to Bombay to attend the Working committee meeting.
1931:               In July Devdas Ghandi, Mahatma Ghandi son reached to Peshawar to study the frontier situation carefully. He stayed with Bacha Khan at his home town Utmanzai.
1931:               To limit the influence of Khudai Khidmatgar movement Govt. start the Khaksar movement. Inayatullah Mashriqi, head master of Govt. high school Peshawar was appointed its first president.
1931:               On 30th July Chief Commissioner of frontier Province Sir Stuart Pears interviewed Bacha Khan.
1931:               On 13th August Bacha Khan went to Bombay to attend the All Indian National Congress meeting. It was decided that a new committee was open in the province by the name of Frontier Congress Committee or Frontier Province Jirga.
1931:               On 25th August Bacha Khan went with Ghandi and Nehru to Simla for meeting with Viceroy.
1931:               His movement was banned and arrested on 24th December from his home town Utmanzai and awarded three years rigorous imprisonment.
1934:               On 17th August Baacha Khan undertook one week fast in sympathy with Ghandi fast.
1934:               On 27th August Baacha Khan was released after three year imprisonment but his entry in Punjab and Frontier Province was still banned.
1934:               On 30th September Baacha Khan addressed in a public meeting at Calcutta on the Hindu Muslim unity.
1934:               In Bombay he addressed a meeting which was classified as seditious. Due to that addressed he was rearrested on 7th December from Wardah, United Province.
1936:               In August he was released but his entry in the N.W.F.P and Punjab was still banned. He went again to Wardah and stayed there with Ghandi.
1937:               In February general election 1937 result was declared in which Congress cum Khudai Khidmatgar secure 19 seats win out of 50 seats.
1937:               In March Baacha Khan with Ghandi proceed to Delhi to attend the All Indian National Congress Committee meeting.
1937:               The bane on Baacha Khan entry in Frontier and Punjab was lifted on 26th August.
1937:               Baacha Khan left for Frontier on 15th October after 6 years exile. He was received by Wali Khan in Utmanzai.
1937:               After return to the Frontier, Baacha Khan set out an extensive tour of the N.W.F.P and Baluchistan to reorganize Khudai Khidmatgar movement.
1938:               On 1st May Ghandi reached to Frontier Province on his 8 days visit.
1938:               Baacha Khan and Ghandi left for Calcutta to attend the Congress working committee meeting.
1938:               Ghandi setout his second visit of one month to Frontier Province.
1938:               Pukhtoon magazine was restarted.
1940:               Baacha Khan left for Ramgarh, Bihar in March to attend the annual session of All Indian National Congress.
1940:               Baacha Khan attends Congress Working Committee meeting in October. Full confidence was shown by the member on him for leading the civil obedience movement in N.W.F.P.
1941:               On 23rd December Baacha Khan went to Bardoli to attend the working committee meeting.
1941:               Baacha Khan arranged the training camps for Khudai Khidmatgars throughout the Frontier Province.
1942:               Baacha Khan and Ghandi both resign from all Indian National Congress and its working committee regarding its cooperation with Government in World War II.
1942:               In July Baacha Khan established “Markaz-i-Ala-i-Khudai Khidmatgaran” (Main office of Khudai Khidmatgars) at Sardaryab, 14 miles away from Peshawar.
1942:               On 27th October, Baacha Khan was arrested with 50 Khudai Khidmatgars when he was delivering a speech in Mirwaiz Dheri, Mardan during Quite India Movement. Baacha Khan was beat by the police. His two ribs were broken arrested and send to Haripur Jail for two years.
1945:               On 14th March Dr. Khan Sahib accepts Lord Cunningham invitation to form Congress ministry in Frontier Province.
1945:               On 17th March Baacha Khan and all other political leaders were released under general amnesty announced by Lord Wavell, Viceroy of India.
1945:               Both Baacha Khan and Ghandi rejoin Congress and its Working Committee again in Bombay.
1945:               On 25th June Baacha Khan and Dr. Khan Sahib attend Wavell Conference at Simla as a Congress representative.
1946:               Baacha Khan was elected as a member of Central Legislative Assembly of India.
1946:               In September Baacha Khan left for Delhi to discussed matters related to interim Govt. with Ghandi.
1947:               On 22nd April Baacha Khan addressed the first Asian relation Conference.
1947:               In May “Zalmai Pakhtun” (Young Pakhtun) was established by Baacha Khan under his own guidance headed by his elder son Ghani Khan (Liwany pholsophy).
1947:               On 21st June “Pakhtunistan” demand was raised in “Bannu Resolution”.
1947:               Baacha Khan attends a meeting with Ghandi, Mountbatten and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Congress entrusted the task of referendum in N.W.F.P to Baacha Khan but he boycotted from referendum.
1947:               On 22nd August, after the creation of Pakistan, Dr. Khan Ministry was illegally replaced with Qayum Khan.
1948:               In early month Baacha Khan went to Karachi to attend the session of first constitution Assembly of Pakistan.
1948:               On 23rd February Baacha Khan took the oath of allegiance to Pakistan.
1948:               On 5th March Baacha Khan addressed to the first legislative Assembly of Pakistan in Urdu.
1948:               In March Baacha Khan formed a political party “Jamiat-ul-Awam” in collaboration of G.M Sayed, Abdul Majeed Sindhi, Sheikh Hishamuddin and Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai. Baacha Khan was unanimously nominated as party president.
1948:               In mid April Muhammad Ali Jinnah visit NWFP. Baacha Khan welcomes him in frontier.
1948:               On 13th May Baacha Khan announced that his movement of Khudai Khidmatgar would extend to all Provinces of Pakistan. His Khudai Khidmatgar movement would serve as a volunteer corps to Jamiat-ul-Awam, recently established by him.
1948:               In May Baacha Khan returned to NWFP and starts his visit throughout the Province to wake up the masses against the Government.
1948:               After ending the northern districts tour Baacha Khan was planning to start his visit in southern district. Before starting his tour he was arrested on 15th June and imprisoned him for three years.
1948:               On 12th August Babara incident take place. During that time Baacha Khan was in Jail.
1948:               In mid September NWFP Government declare Khudai Khidmatgar movement unlawful and their center at Sardaryab was destroyed.
1950:               In June his three years imprisonment was expired but his imprisonment was extended for six months many times under Bengal regulation 1818.
1952:               In February his colleague and best friend, the former education minister in Dr. Khan ministry, Qazi Attaullah was died in Jail.
1952:               In April Baacha Khan went through a serious operation in Mayo Hospital Lahore.
1954:               In January Baaha Khan and imprisoned Khudai Khdamatgarans were released, but he was confined to Rawalpindi Circuit house.
1954:               In March Baacha Khan was permitted to attend Bengal session of the Pakistan parliament. He addressed to the parliament in Urdu in which he explain the causes on the base of which he was imprisoned.
1954:               In September Baacha Khan opposed One-Unit system. On the issue of One-Unit he was disagree with his elder brother Dr. Khan Sahib, Chief Minister of western Unit of Pakistan.
1955:               In July the Govt. lift bane on the entry of Baacha Khan in Frontier.
1955:               On 16th September Baacha Khan ended his frontier tour and then started his campaign in Baluchistan invited by Abdus Samad Khan Achakzai.
1955:               He was arrested in a way to Baluchistan in September with two other companions and send to Mach Jail but release on 26th September.
1956:               On 16th June Baacha Khan and Abdus Samad Khan Achakzai were rearrested at Shahi Bagh, Peshawar and Quetta respectively. Baacha Khan was alleged to the safety and territorial integrity of Pakistan, while abdus Samad Khan was arrested under public safety Act.
1956:               On 6th September Baacha Khan trail was opened in Lahore High Court of under Justice Shabir Ahmad.
1956:               On September 6th Baacha Khan submitted a 19 pages written statement to the court in which he writes about his all career. 
 1957:              On 24th January the court give him rigorous punishment and to pay rupees 14,000/-. Baacha Khan refused and his property was confiscated.
1957:               Baacha Khan was released.
1957:               On 27th January Baacha Khan joined Pakistan National Party, merger of six opposition parties.
1957:               The Chief Minister of West Pakistan, Dr. Khan Sahib was dismissed on 7th July.
1957:               In July Baacha Khan, G.M. Sayed and Mian Iftikharuddin formed National Awami Party.
1958:               Baacha Khan published a pamphlet titled Pukhtanu au One-Unit (Pakhtun and One-Unit) against One-Unit scheme in West Pakistan.
1958:               On 13th September Baacha Khan was arrested at Quetta for defying the district magistrate order of banning Baacha Khan entry in Baluchistan. He was arrested in Quetta taken to Peshawar and release there.
1958:               On 11th October Baacha Khan with eight prominent leaders of East Pakistan was arrested under Pakistan Safety Act. Abdus Samad Khan Achakzai was also arrested and sentenced fourteen years rigorous imprisonment.
1959:               On 4th April Baacha Khan was released. He started tour of frontier Province. Baacha Khan and all other politician disqualified from elective body until 1966 under EBDO (Elective bodies disqualification order).
1961:               On 12th April Baacha Khan was arrested from D.I. Khan on his tour of southern side of Frontier Province under maintenance of Public Order Ordinance.
1962:               Amnesty International, a non political organization declared him “Prisoner of the year”.
1962:               In December Amnesty International demanded for the release of Baacha Khan because government extended his imprisonment period for every six months.
1964:               On 30th January Baacha Khan was released from Haripur Jail when his health was deteriorated alarmingly.
1964:               On 27th May Jawahir Lal Nehru was died. Baacha Khan send deeply grieved telegram to his daughter.
1964:               In September Baacha Khan was allowed by the Government to go to Great Britain for treatment. In London he met with Mr. Oleof Careo, the former governor general of NWFP.
1964:               On 12th December Baacha Khan went to Afghanistan from United Kingdom.
1965:               Baacha Khan attends the inauguration ceremony of ‘Pakhtunistan day’ on 31st August in Pakhtoonistan square at Kabul.
1969:               In May, the Indian awarded Baacha Khan with “Nehru peace award for 1969” for promotion international goodwill and understanding.
1969:               In June, the Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indra Gandhi visited Kabul where she met with Baacha Khan and presented him a copy of Holy Quran and some Indian Khadi (kadhar) cloths.
1969:               Baacha Khan went to India via Berut (Lebnan) in September from Kabul.
1970:               In February Baacha Khan came back to Afghanistan from India.
1972:               On 24 December Baacha Khan was brought back to Pakistan after eight years exile by a Jirga. The Jirga comprised Abdul Wali Khan, Ajmal Khattak, Muhammad Afzal Khan, Maulana gul Badshah and Maulana Abdul Bari.
1975:               On 2nd April a case was registered against Baacha Khan and he was detained on 13th April sent to Khanpur rest house.
1976:               On 27th August Baacha Khan was released.
1977:               On 1st October general Zia-ul-Haq met with Baacha Khan on his tour to Peshawar.
1978:               On 2nd March Baacha Khan left Pakistan for Afghanistan to compose his autobiography in Pushto “Zama Zhwand aau Jadd-o-Juhad” (My life and struggle).
1980:               On 26th March Baacha Khan left Kabul for India for his medical check up.
1980:               On July 18th Baacha Khan return to Kabul from India.
1980:               On 31st August Baacha Khan left Kabul for USSR for his treatment.
1980:               On 11th October Baacha Khan return to Kabul.
1981:               On 13th February Baacha Khan fell ill.
1981:               On 19th August Baacha Khan was called by Afghan President Babrak Karmal to discuss different matters.
1981:               On 6th November left Kabul for India.
1982:               Returned to Kabul from India on 1st January.
1982:               On 3rd March Baacha Khan got injuries when he fell down from his bed in his room at Jalalabad, admitted in Hospital at Kabul.
1982:               On 28th April Baacha Khan returned to Pakistan.
1983:               Started a campaign against the proposed construction of Kalabagh Dam.
1983:               Baacha Khan visit throughout the Frontier Province to mobilize the public opinion against the Government in the regarding construction of Kalabagh Dam.
1984:               Baacha Khan was kept under house arrest due to his anti-Kalabagh Dam opinion.
1984:               On 1st April Baacha Khan went to Kabul for Medical treatment.
1984:               On may 6th Baacha Khan return to Pakistan from Kabul.
1984:               On 19th July Baacha Khan left for Kabul accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wali Khan and Muhammad Azam Khan of Mardan.
1984:               On 29th September Baacha Khan returned to Pakistan.
1985:               All Indian National Congress invite Baacha Khan for the centenary celebration. Baacha Khan left Peshawar for India on 26th December accompanied by Wali Khan and his grandson Zulfiqar Ali Khan.
1986:               On 4th January Baacha Khan returned to Peshawar.
1986:               Baacha Khan addressed for the last time in Pakhtoonkhuwa on 19th April in World Pushto Conference.
1987:               In May Baacha Khan fell ill seriously and admitted in the Lady reading Hospital Peshawar.
1987:               On 4th June due to paralytic attack Baacha Khan was transferred to All India Medical Institute of Medical Science by the invitation of Indian government. Baacha Khan stayed there up to August 16th.
1987:               In India Baacha Khan was awarded by greatest Indian Award “Baharat Raten”.
1987:               Baacha Khan was brought back to Pakistan in August and admitted in Lady Reading Hospital for treatment.
1988:               From August to 20th January Baacha Khan was remained in Coma. He breathed his last on 20th January at 6:35 A.M.
1988:               His Namaz-i-Janaza was held on Thursday 21st January at 3:00 PM at Jinnah Park Peshawar.
1988:               On 22nd January Baacha Khan was buried at Jalalabad in his own house according to his will.


  1. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Zama Jwand aw Jadujuhad, Peshawar, Baacha Khan Research Centre, 2012.
  2. Asma Begum, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan as a Social Reformer, M.A Thesis submitted to Pakistan Study Centre, University of Peshawar.
  3. Farid Ahmed, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, A Profile, M.A Thesis submitted to Pakistan Study Centre, University of Peshawar.
  4. Eknath Eswaran, Badshah Khan, A Man to match his Mountain, New Delhi, Penguin Books Limited, 1999.
  5. D.G. Tendulkar, Faith is a Battle, Bombay, Gandhi Peace Foundation, 1967.
  6. Rai Bahadur Diwan Chand, The Evolution of North West Frontier Province, Peshawar, Saeed Book Bank.
  7. Farigh Bukhari, Tehreek-e-Azadi aur Baacha Khan, Fiction House, 1991.

0 Peace Situation in Pakhtoon’s Region Causes and Remedies

 Peace Situation in Pakhtoon’s Region
Causes and Remedies


Peace is a word which is used very often in daily life particularly during violent situation. Though the word is used commonly and look like an easy word but it is very difficult to define it in a sentence. Generally the word peace is used for friendship, harmony, pacification, and neutrality etc. But actually it isn’t enough to describe the nature of peace and peacemakers.  Any attempt to articulate the nature of peace and peacemaking required that it must address those conditions which are favorable to their emergence. Freedom, human rights, and justice are among such prerequisites. It also includes some proactive strategies such as conflict resolution, nonviolent action, community building, and democratization of authority.  

Peace is one of the integral parts of human life. If any human being lacks this factor it would be very difficult for him to keep his aliveness in this universe. Same is the case in the society that without its existence, it is very difficult to keep the society alive. The peacefulness in the society depends on human internal satisfaction or simply their internal peace which dependent on different external factors like education, economic support, safety to their lives, profession and rights etc. If a person is satisfied with these external factors he/she would mainly be satisfied internally which may be resultant into a peaceful society. If any society lacks these factors, it disturbs the human internal satisfaction which leads into violence that disturbs peace. As Dalai Lama state that; ‘we can never bring peace in the outer world until we make peace with our selves.’ In the same manner Buddha stated that; ‘Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.’
It simply means that if an individual is satisfied internally, then it is possible that society may also remain peaceful.

The human race faced the greatest ever challenge which is still existed, to live freely in this world without facing any threat of violence. Violence is not only existed during war but it also exists every where, in schools, home or society etc. swhere there is injustice,  there is conflict as Albert Einstein stated that; ‘  Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order--in short, of government.’  Violent situation in the presence of all these injustice and evils etc in the society is too dangerous as compare to environment in which all these elements are absent.  

Causes which led to violent situation in Pakhtoon’s Region

Every conflict has lots of root causes which play a leading role in creating that conflict. If these causes are not find out then it is very difficult to stop the conflict from spreading. The ongoing violent situation in pakhtoon region of Pakistan is one of the main conflicts. Though the conflict arose in recent past but it has some root causes since five or six centuries which also played important role in creating that violent situation which adversely affected the entire pakhtoon region. To get them out of this huge conflict it is important to find out the root causes that lead to the present violent situation. Though there are many causes but we have to discussed few of them which were the root causes. Those are as below:
Strategic Importance of the Region

Strategically pakhtoon region is of great importance. It lies in the way from central and west Asian to the South Asian sub-continent, through various passes, especially the world famous Khyber Pass which led Central Asia and Afghanistan to India. Its border touches to those of China, the USSR, the disputed territory of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in the north, and Afghanistan to the West, all along from the Pamirs to rugged terrain of South Waziristan. To its South-east is the Punjab province, and to its south-west the Sindh province.  Above all the world three famous passes Khyber, Gomal and Tochi are more important and renowned ones. Most of the invaders like Aryans, Hindus, Buddhists, Tartars, Mongols, Turks, Mughals, Iranian and Afghans entered into India to capture the empires of Delhi.  Beside those, Europeans (Portuguese, Dutch and British) came India with the same wish to colonize India using sea routs. Though they used different routs but the aim was same to expand their empire to Central Asian states. The other purpose was to secure their borders from Russian invasion.  For this they continued their invasion over pakhtoon region to enter Afghanistan but couldn’t succeed. They were restricted to pakhtoon region of India for a long time but succeeded due to their modern war equipment. They entered Afghanistan and remained there for long time but finally came out with a treaty with Afghanistan to protect their borders from Russian aggression. In 1893 a border treaty was signed between British and Afghan King Amir Abdur Rehman popularly known as Durand Line. Durand line marked boundary between Afghanistan and Indian Sub-continent.
This strategic position of pakhtoon region gives a clear edge over other areas not only before independence 1947 but after independence as well.  But, continuous invasions affected the residence adversely. After independence pakhtoons expected some sort of relief from the new rulers but their strategy remained same as like British before independence that compelled pakhtoons for starting insurgency against the government. In this way the peaceful environment of the region is disturbed.

Deprived of their Rights

Historically speaking pakhtoons were kept deprived of their due rights. As said earlier that every invader attacked on Indian sub-continent from this side. In those invasions pakhtoon first gave tough resistance to most of the invaders but due to less equipment they were passed and captured most parts or some parts of India. That’s why during their rule in India, invaders tried to keep them quit by force and ignored them in giving their rights. While pakhtoon were busy with them as they didn’t want to accept the foreign dominancy according to their nature. Due to that, pakhtoons couldn’t emphasize on getting their due rights. During Moughal period, pakhtoons were ruled by irritated manner. Moughal King Babar attacked on India with the help of Persia and captured the kingdom of Delhi from Ibrahim Lodhi, last pakhtoon king of Sultanat-e-Delhi.  After capturing the kingdom, pakhtoons remained under their dominance. That’s why pakhtoons continued their struggle against Mughals in their entire period. They couldn’t accept them as rulers and broke out continuous wars and gave tough resistance to the Moughals. Pakhtoons remained peaceful in the initial years of Aurangzeb Alamgir rule because he used Islamic sentiments as a tactic and also disunited pakhtoon tribes to keep them quite and peaceful. But when pakhtoon came to know the tactics of Aurangzeb, they united against him to get their rights.  Khushkhal Khan Khattak was one of the most important figures who initially supported Mughals and worked for them but when the problem of preserving pakhtoon independence arose between pakhtoons and Aurangzeb, he joined Afridis against Moughals. About the religious policy of Moughals, Khuskhal Khan Khattak in his poetry state that;

“Majesty belong to Justice,
For Justice alone the power to command;
I will never submit to a tyrant.
The Mosque is the house of God;
I will never pray in it to any other master.
If the Prophet could raise his head
From under the earth where he is buried,
I would whether he would recognize
The followers who do not follow him.
I will prefer to pray in Moughal prison,
For the glories of the past and of our ancestor
Which, alas ! their sons have lost.”

The betraying of pakhtoon rights was continued in British period as well, when they overthrew the Sikh’s empire. British gave importance to the region due to its strategic importance and ignored them in their rights.  

On 9th November, 1901 NWFP with its adjacent areas was separated from Punjab. British felt that the land and its people need special treatments. They didn’t like the new ideas of masses freedom, reforms and responsible government which were becoming popular in Punjab and other parts of India. Besides giving same rights to the province and it masses, special laws and regulation like Frontier Crime Regulation was introduced. According to this regulation people could be given any sort of punishment without bringing them into the courts and they didn’t have the right to defend themselves in any court. The court also had no power to challenge any decision under that regulation. They ignored the province in constitutional reforms as well. When Minot-Marley reforms of 1909 and Montague-Chelmsford reforms of 1919 were introduced in the rest of India, the Frontier was ignored deliberately.  On this regular ignorance, pakhtoons demanded for their constitutional rights from British Government. After the end of World War-I, the demand of full fledge reforms for the region was increased. The government formed a committee in April 1922. It comprised three British, three Muslims and two Hindus headed by Foreign Secretary Denny Bray. The committee agreed on constitutional reforms and rights for the region but government ignored the committee reports. This was followed by another commission popularly known as Simon Commission. The commission also approved the constitutional reforms in the region.  Government once again ignored the commission reports due to some reasons and pakhtoon region couldn’t get their rights whether constitutional, social or economic etc. This was continued until the creation of Pakistan.

After the creation of Pakistan it was believed that government would give their due rights to pakhtoons but all those promises went in vain. Central government promised for many times but couldn’t fulfill their promises. This inhumanity was continued till 1973 but after the inclusion of article 161 (1) & (2) in 1973 constitution it was believed that the problem of hydro-electric power and natural gases was solved. As stated in article 161 (1) & (2) of the constitution that:

“1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 78 the net proceeds of the Federal duty of excise on natural gas levied at well-head and collected by the Federal Government, and of the royalty collected by the Federal Government, shall not form part of the Federal Consolidated Fund and shall be paid to the Province in which the well-head of natural gas is situated.
(2) ‘The net profits earned by the Federal Government, or any undertaking established or administered by the Federal Government from the bulk generation of power at a hydro-electric station shall be paid to the Province in which the hydro-electric station is situated.”  
After 1973 constitution’s implementation, it became clear that the federal government would give due shares to NWFP and other provinces but all went in vain. Though federal government agreed with NWFP on net profit few times but later on couldn’t fulfill their promise.                                         .  
Despite all that discrimination pakhtoon showed patience but the situation became worse when a revolution broke out in Afghanistan when King Sardar Daud was executed with his family in royal palace on 27th April 1978. Due to that revolution most of the pakhtoons in Afghanistan migrated to Pakistan and settled in pakhtoon region i.e. FATA and NWFP. Pakhtoon inside the Durand Line welcome their Pakhtoon brothers but they couldn’t bear too much migration and demanded for a help from the central government. At that time Pakistan government got donation from international community particularly USA, Gulf states on the name of those muhajirins and gave only a very small amount to NWFP province despite the fact that the whole burden of those muhajirins was taken by the province and its adjacent area i.e. FATA till day. This deprivation of pakhtoons from their rights compelled them to get their due right but wasn’t succeeded. These not only adversely affected their lives socially but their profession was also taken by those muhajirins of Afghanistan. Thus the poorness rates in pakhtoons were increased very rapidly. These conditions compelled them to adopt violent manner as in a famous Pashto proverb state that; ‘Che Tang Shi no Pa Jhang Shi’ (When you are tired then you might go for a fight). The same is the case with pakhtoon because they left no stone unturned to get independence from British but their entire struggle went in vain and they were kept distraught, that’s why Pakhtoons adopted aggressive measures which disturbed the peaceful environment of the region.

Interruption in the neighbor Afghanistan

Pakistan interruption or intervention in the neighbor Afghanistan government affairs is one of the mains cause of the present violent situation in pakhtoon’s region. The harshness between both neighbors was started in 1946 just before the creation of Pakistan when it became clear that British will leave the Indian sub-continent very soon and hand over the region to India and Pakistan, the two new states. In this context Afghan government send a delegation to British government of undivided India and claimed that as they are lifting India, the Durand Line treaty would be collapse automatically. They also demanded the restoration of Indian area conquered during Ahmad Shah Durrani Empire . British rejected the Afghan’s claim, after which Afghan government put forward another request that the Durand Line Agreement was signed in distress which was also rejected by the British. Before partition Afghan government raisedÙƒ the issue of greater Pukhtunistan to undermine the Durand line treaty but that also couldn't work. On other hand India also supported Afghanistan to promote the idea that very soon Pakistan would collapse. Afghanistan continued their struggle even after the creation of Pakistan. When Pakistan applied for United Nation membership in 1948, Afghanistan was among the first states that didn't accept Pakistan as a state in United Nation.  After that day hostility was started between both the countries. Afghanistan was the strong partner of Russia while India also joined the camp. In fear of Afghanistan and Indian aggression, Pakistan joined US camp against Russia. Both Russia and USA were strong revivals to become a super power. The joining of Pakistan in US camp was a big boost for US because in the region India, Iran and Afghanistan joined the Russian camp. USA needed a partner badly in the region to challenge the supremacy of Russia. Pakistan joined US camp for the simple reason to protect their selves from Indian aggression but this decision proved to be wrong when Pakistan wasn’t supported by USA in 65 and 71 wars against India in spite of having arms treaties like CENTO and SEATO with USA. At that time the joining of Pakistan to US camp is quite right decision but with the passage of time it proved to be wrong decision especially after the 9/11 incident when they targeted Pakhtoon’s region for counter terrorism. Had Pakistan leaders not follow the US camp blindly and make important changes in treaties with USA or may abrogate all the treaties then it would not have been the situation as like in the present day. Our leaders didn't learn from the history and went ahead with the same partner that not only disgraced Pakistan status on international level but it becomes a front line state in war on terror.
To support its ally, Pakistan on its part started interruption in Afghanistan during Sardar Daud government. Afghan King pronounced a war against Islamic revivals in 1974-75, and established bases in Pakistan and provided support to Afghan Mujahideen against Daud government.   For this purpose the training of the Afghan exile Islamic revival leaders was must. Pakistan Federal government assigned the task to the then Commander in Chief of Frontier Corp, Nasirullah Khan Babar at Peshawar.  With the help of Pakistan Government and American CIA, civil war was broke out in Afghanistan, USA on his part supported Mujahideens while Russia on their part supported Afghan government. The war started and finally on 27th April 1978, in a bloodless coup Sardar Daud was executed with his family. The coup is famously known as ‘Sour Revolution’. After that many puppet government were constituted in Afghanistan with the help of Russia but couldn’t work because Pakistan on behest of US working to weaken Russia in Afghanistan. The United States, seeing the Sour coup as a victory for communism which wasn’t acceptable to USA and they also energized their works against the Soviet invasion through Mujahideens by one or other way.
Mujahideens in Afghanistan belonged to different factions but they all shared the sacred ideology of Islam to varying degree. Islamic ideology kept them united. Mujahideen worked together under the training of ISI, which was supported and guided by the American CIA. Mostly the Mujahideens belonged from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan had been the major player of the game. Through Pakistani support, America entered Afghanistan, defeated Russia there through indirect means (Mujahideens) and stabilized her selves. Due to worse situation in Afghanistan large number of people, estimated 3 millions in two years (1978 to 1980) migrated to Pakhtoon’s area of Pakistani border NWFP and FATA.
Pakistani government would spend about $ 1.5 millions expenditure per day on these Afghan refugees. About 55 percent aid was received by Pakistan from UN agencies like UNHCR, WFP which was joined by some other international NGO’s. Many countries like USA, China, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Korea, UAE, Indonesia, France, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Germany etc. also send their donation to Pakistan for Afghan refugees. Despite this aid, Pakistan also received a large amount of donation from Islamic Solidarity Fund and Islamic development Bank. According to an estimate all these countries contributed more than $ 750 million to Pakistan. Major amounts of those foreign donations were consumed by Pakistani establishment despite the fact that the whole responsibility of MUhajireens was taken by NWFP and its adjacent areas.  
With the passage of time Taliban were getting stronger and creating resistance for USA in its future plane in Afghanistan. To Shatter the Taliban movement, USA staged a drama on 9/11 to create causes for attack on Afghanistan. On 7th October President Bush declared the attacks lawful and said that Taliban government had close contacts with terrorists and gave protection to them. Most of the European countries supported USA against Taliban. In Asia Pakistan, the most critical partner of America after its creation was also supported this cause. According to a report US administration warned General Perveez Musharaf, President of Pakistan to declare Taliban friends or foe. He opted for the second option for the reason that in response USA will support Pakistan economically. Musharraf first reshuffle the Pakistan army commanders and marginalized the commanders who had sympathy with Talibans and closed the Taliban’s government embassy in Islamabad. Till the start of January 2002 USA controlled most of the Afghanistan’s area after which they capture capital Kabul on 13th November, 2001. But there was still some sign of Taliban groups who opposed the American back government in Afghanistan. America captured Afghanistan and established an American backed government in Afghanistan but there is still some hurdle in the form Taliban who has created problems for Karzai Government.  During attacks on Afghanistan large number of Mujahideens or Talibans fled to the Pakhtoons areas of Pakistan near Durand Line. They started all those violent activities in Pakhtoons areas in order to earn enough money as they got during Afghan Jihad. They established their bases in Tribal areas of Pakistan which directly disturbed the peace situation in the region. The Mujahideens who were the product of US policies during Afghan civil war were declared terrorists and militants for the reason that they were now growing a permanent threat to America and other European countries which further made the situation worse in Pakistan because these mujahideen have an aim to protect Islam from infidels. On this USA instigated Pakistan to declare a war against them. To take revenge from Pakistan these militants started the violent activities in Pakistan as they did in Afghanistan on the instigation of Pakistan and USA.
The former NWFP provincial government and elected members of National Assembly from FATA did nothing to stop Musharraf from such activities. They usually supported Musharraf and their allies which made the situation further worse that affected the pakhtoon region too much. The previous provincial government pro-Musharraf policies disgusted the situation in Province and Tribal areas in particular. To prove him as a close ally of America, Musharraf government made attack on Tribal areas in search of Al-Qaida, Taliban and Osama bin Ladin. Pakistani government this action destroyed the peace in the tribal areas and adjacent NWFP province. Thousands of innocent masses were killed. This barbarianism was continuing even after the fall of Musharraf and the new coalition governments of ANP-PPP in NWFP are now just silent spectators. They did not raise any voice against the military action in FATA and the other adjacent areas which destroyed the peace situation further.
Weak Judicial System
Judiciary is one of the most important branches of the three integral part of Governmental i.e. Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. These three branches of the government are inter-dependants on each other directly or indirectly. If judiciary is weak or couldn’t perform its duties based on justice it would not only affect adversely the governmental affairs but also it will disturb the common judicial system. If masses couldn’t get justice it compels them to get their rights by other means or simply through violent means. This may affect the peace situation in the country or region.
If we closely observe the judicial system of Pakistan we will find that it is too weak in giving basic rights to every province specially NWFP. Every time new government is formed and promises are made but not strictly followed. Due to the weak judicial system pakhtoon nation couldn’t get their constitutional and financial rights guaranteed by the constitution which caused a kind of complex amongst the pakhtoons. Historically, the grievances of small provinces are not yet satisfied and no pragmatic steps have been taking by our superior judiciary to ensure the constitutional rights of the small provinces and as a result poverty and unemployment in being increased in theses provinces day by day. This unjust compels the masses to turn to violent activities in getting their due rights. By and large pakhtoons nations have contributed a lot in the prosperity of this country but unfortunately their basic right has never been guaranteed to them.

Lack of Education
One of the main causes for the violence in pakhtoon’s region is the backwardness of pakhtoons in the field of education. Education is an important tool which symbolizes all the forces that have raised man from the level of a brute.   It clarifies that education is an important tool for all human beings and through that tool human beings have an edge over animals. Through education man is also informed from outside the world and acquainted from the history and received all important information about the present. This is why Islam attaches such great importance to knowledge and education. When the Qur'an began to be revealed, the first word of its first verse was 'Iqra' that is, read. Education is thus the starting point of every human activity.  
As said earlier that pakhtoons were kept busy or busy by themselves against the invaders throughout the history which stayed them away from education. Not only the invaders but pakhtoons themselves were mostly responsible for that because they themselves couldn’t give any importance to education. They usually think that there is no other education than the traditional mullah’s Islamic education. If some one tries to get other worldly education they considered it as a sin. If some ones tried to wake them up, they suppressed them by one or other way on the instigation of those illiterate mullahs. This destroyed them badly.  In this critical moment, the first school in the pakhtoon region was established by British Commissioner of Peshawar, Sir Herbert Edward in 1853 Edward Mission High School at Peshawar. The school was established by British just after they came into power in 1847. The school was the first among all the missionary schools in Indian-Sub-continent. The school was established in such a critical time when pakhtoons considered learning in a school particularly in missionary school as a big sin. The school was the pioneer in the region which is now known as FATA, NWFP and some adjacent areas of the Punjab. Peoples from all over India, Afghanistan and some other countries came to the school for learning but pakhtoons didn’t take any interests in it and most of the population remained illiterate.   Even now days the literacy rate in Pakistan is 50 percent which is lower than other courtiers in the region because of lower allocation budget (3-4 %) to the education. In the region Pakistan is only having higher literacy rate than Bangladesh (49%) and Nepal (43%).  Other countries have far better ratios: the Maldives, 96 percent; Sri Lanka, 91 percent; and India, 61 percent. In Pakistan, pakhtoons and Baluchs have very low literacy rates than Sindh and Punjab.  Sindh has the highest percentage in education which stands at 54 percent followed by Punjab (52 percent) and the NWFP (40 percent). Balochistan has the lowest ratio 33 percent. UNESCO, United Nation sub organization attributed the low level of literacy rate to factors like weak organizational infrastructure, low professional capacity, lack of research, non-availability of proper training institutes, low public awareness and lack of evaluation and monitoring system.  Beside NWFP, the adjacent FATA area is too backward in literacy as well. The literacy rate in FATA is about 20 % in which 17 % are men while 3 % are women which are too low.  The reason is that they followed the traditional mullahs and their education which couldn’t bear the modern education.  Those Mullahs were against the modern education that’s why they opposed the modern education and deliberately gave a restricted meaning of Islam and confined its teaching only to religious affairs. They opposed the Baacha Khan’s School systems in 30s by declaring him an infidel and all those who wanted to educate their children in those schools. They insisted that all this worldly knowledge was Kufr (against Islam). To save their own profession and prestige in the society those illiterate mullahs reminded their pupils and their illiterate folk of verse;
‘Sabaq de madrasay wai da para da paise wai,
Jannat ke bai zai na vi dozakh ke ba ghute wai’
Translation: Those who learn in schools, they are none but money’s tools, In   Heaven they will never dwell; they will surely go to hell.
Besides Baacha Khan’s schools in NWFP, in the same era another example can be found in South Waziristan where a school was established in 1927 at Karama which was strongly opposed by the then mullahs of the locality by giving Fatwa that all those and their parents who went to those schools were Kafirs (infidels).  The thinking wasn’t changed yet in the region even of the educated people that worldly knowledge or education is nothing and all is religious knowledge. But they forgot that if religious knowledge is all and worldly education is nothing then why our Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) emphasized on it? This can be find out from the fact that when Makkah was conquered, Holy Prophet (P. B.U.H) ordered for the release of prisoners of war (Kufaar-e-Makkah) with a condition that every prisoner (Kafir) would teach to ten Muslim children. Now the question arise that why the Holy Prophet put such condition and what did he mean from such education expecting from a Kafir? That education was defiantly mean worldly education because he himself was the preacher of religious knowledge.    
Due to all these factors literacy rates in pakhtoon region remained too low. That’s why pakhtoons remained ignorant and they couldn’t judge the situation very well. They were used by their own governments as well as by international community for their secret motives which we are seeing in the shape of terrorism and which proved to be the main cause of disturbing the peaceful environment of the region.
Misuse of Religion

Generally pakhtoons are considered to be strict and tradition loving Muslims. Many of their customs and traditions are according to Islam but very few are against the teaching of Islam. About the natural affiliation of pakhtoon with religion, an eminent pakhtoon scholar Maulana Abdul Qadir states that;

“In Pashto code of life the whole Islamic morality is absorbed. The pakhtoon code of life is according to Islam. It is an achievement of this code of life that once they accept some thing they would strictly follows those rules and regulations which shows a sole representation of a strict follower of Islam.”

He further declares that;

“Pakhtoons are strict Muslims and till their death they couldn’t be left the follower of another religion. A pakhtoon is honest, strict in keeping promises, having alive ego etc. like a strict Muslim. They also give great respects to elders and peoples who have close affiliation with religion like syyeds, Alims, Mians and etc.”

Beside him some eminent scholars like Jamal-ud-Din Afghani, a well known poet Allma Iqbal  and an eminent Muslim General Tariq bin Ziyyad gave the same idea about the pakhtoon that without them it is difficult to protect Islam.  
Their natural affiliation with Islam is also finding out from their social and economical behaviours. Pakhtoon gives respectable status to females as a sister and mother as given by Islam. Usually their marriage and death ceremonies and other social gathering are according to the teaching of Islam.

Though they are strict Muslims but due to lack of religious knowledge they couldn’t judge the right and wrong in religious context. They usually judge most of the problems in their own customs and traditions which might be some time against the teaching of Islam. But due to lack of religious knowledge, they usually mix their traditions and customs with Islam and think that these are the integral part of Islam which is a wrong concept.  One of the main reasons discussed earlier that traditional mullahs kept them away from the real spirit of Islam and gave a specific religious knowledge or the knowledge which is out of context.

Due to lack of religious awareness, pakhtoons were trapped and was used against each other on the sacred name of Islam. That’s why the enemies of Islam and pakhtoons showed the fake pictures to the world that both Islam and pakhtoons are violent in nature which is not the real case. Islam is the peaceful religion of the whole universe and pakhtoons are the peaceful nation.

Couldn’t Receptive to Criticism

To point out faults in one works or idea is called criticism. To criticize one’s self or other is a good habit but not too much because it increases negativity in the personality which adversely affects the personality of some one. As like its negative ness it has lot of positive points as well. If some one criticizes your ideas or your works it means that there might be some fault. Review your ideas or works and find out the faults and try to abolish the mistakes. But if criticism is overlooked it means that you couldn’t bear criticism which is not good. A healthy criticism is very constructive because it can improve some areas. But as said earlier that most of the people couldn’t receptive to healthy criticism. They feel that all criticism is negative. This can destroy the healthy criticism.
If we closely observed the pakhtoons or their society, we will find out that usually they criticize each other too much. Most of the criticism is negative because of their jealousy with his other pakhtoon brother. Most of the pakhtoons couldn’t bear the progress in society of other pakhtoon whether he has been his close relative or friend. That’s why they usually criticize negatively to disgrace the opponent. If other pakhtoon criticize him constructively, it could be very difficult for him to bear the criticism. He thinks that the opponent only criticizes him negatively which might change the environment into violent one. This lack of quality to bear the criticism of other is very common among pakhtoon. A society where there is no constructive criticism or receptive to constructive criticism surely remains behind from other progressive societies.  

Lack of Unity

The state of one, oneness, harmony, uniformity is called unity. One of the main causes of violence in pakhtoon region is the lack of unity among them. Usually pakhtoons are disunited on each and every problem. At their zenith of unity they were the master and ruled over other. When they disunited and started fighting against each other, they lost each and every thing and now ruled by others. Disunity is one of the old diseases of pakhtoons from which they are suffering through out the history. This weakness was utilized by Mughals and overthrew pakhtoons from the throne of Delhi. British also used this weakness of pakhtoons and ruled over them.  After independence through this weakness central government took advantage and was ruled over them by inhuman manner. Today, pakhtoon is harming his own brother. This spread violence in the region which disgraced pakhtoon’s image in the world.    

Lack of Taking Individual Responsibility

Lack of taking personal responsibility is one of the most important causes for creating violence in the society. When an individual of a community is not prepared or interested to take its own responsibility in the society create a rift in the society that disturbs the whole society. Initially that disturbance is created among close colleagues that further shift to home and then the area and finally in the society. The people of the affected community or society are depressed by looking the nearby community progress. The community became needy of the developed communities and is ruled by those communities.
Same is the case with pakhtoon because most of them were lacking the quality of taking their individual responsibilities. Though they themselves do not take any interest in taking individual responsibility and then blaming others for their misconducts. Pakhtoons couldn’t understand it as a big mistake that is continuously damaging pakhtoon’s society. Usually pakhtoons don’t take any interest in solving a minor problem but they start taking interest when the problem reaches to its peak. In this way a minor problem leads to a big problem. Violence in the region is the best example that initially pakhtoon couldn’t take it a serious problem. Had pakhtoon taken it a serious problem and accepted it as its own responsibility to solve it in initial stage then it would not have been the case now days they are facing.  

Lack of Good Leadership:

Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. Usually leaders born naturally and couldn’t made to be born but if a person have a will power and desire he can become an affective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study; education, training, and experience. Good leaders are continuously working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are not resting on their laurels.  There are some qualities a leader can learn. For example to inspire his workers, besides there are certain things a leader must know.
Leadership is an important factor which can play important role in the development of an organization, a society, a nation or a country. If an organization, society or nation lack a good leader it will be very difficult to contain their selves in the society. Some times an organization or a nation couldn’t develop beside a good leadership but the organization or nation is still remembered in respectable words. Some times an organization or nation have a good hidden leader but couldn’t have the quality to choose that leader and sometimes select the wrong one which not only destroyed the nation but labeled the organization or nation in bed bad manner.
Same is the case with pakhtoons because they have very few good leaders in the history which led them very courageously. It is very difficult for a person to become a leader of pakhtoons because usually pakhtoons never ever accepted the dominancy of any other person. Every one himself a leader that’s why there is very rare number of leaders in pakhtoons which became popular on national or international level. As said earlier that pakhtoons haven’t the sense to elect their leader. Most of their renowned leaders like Baacha Khan, Faqir of Ippi, Haji Sahib of Turngzai etc. became popular due to their own sacrifices and abilities. But their characters are still controversial among common masses that make them ambiguous. All those leaders worked for the betterment of pakhtoons that’s why they become popular among pakhtoons.
After the death of these leaders few were arose from their families but they couldn’t get fame like their forefathers. Only strong leadership can lead his people, his society and his nation on a right path. Due to lack of sincere leadership, pakhtoon’s enemy got advantage and involved them in their own war in the name of terrorism which disturbed the peaceful environment of the region into a violent one.

Suggestions to Bring Peace in Pakhtoon's Region:

Every problem has lot of causes on its back. In the same manner these causes also have some suggestions to overcome and solve them. Some time the causes behind the problem are very clear and easy to find. Some time it looks like easy to give ordinary suggestions and solve the problem but usually the situation is not the same in all cases. In such a situation the problem needs deep intentions and observations to suggest some tips to overcome the root causes and solve the problem.  Some time the problem is prolonged due to lack of interest of affected individuals to solve the problem in its initial stages.
Pakhtoons have been facing the violence problem for the last two decade but sadly to say that they couldn’t give any importance to solve it which not only destroyed them but disgraced their status as well. Though common pakhtoon take interest and tried their best to solve the problem but couldn’t succeed due to improper guidance. They need proper guidance and their guides are their leaders. But their leaders from very first day do not take any interest to solve the problem. Some important suggestions are given below to overcome on those causes which rooted for spreading violence in the region.

To increase Literacy Rate:

Education is one of the important tools to solve the different problems. Education is a process through which a person can differentiate between good and bad. Education also creates the ability in an individual to find out the causes behind the problem and how to overcome on these causes which may led to a problem.
It is important for pakhtoon to improve their literacy rate by any mean according to their culture, customs and traditions. For this purpose they should first abolish all the inhuman behaviour towards a specific part of the community in education. Usually pakhtoons were reluctant to give education to their daughters, sisters etc. The main cause for this ignorance is their customs and traditions. This may unbalance the pakhtoon society and affect them adversely. Females have an important role to play in the society as mother and if a mother is not educated then how he will bring up his children in a good manner? Only educated mother can make an educated society. In education pakhtoon should change their mind and give education to both their children irrespective of their sex difference. Beside this pakhtoons should change their attitude to the female segment of the society. Female should be treated according to the actual teaching of Islam and pakhtoon customs and traditions.
Beside individual efforts provincial government should play their role by giving free of coast education facilities to the poor children particularly to the females. This may enhance the eagerness to get education in pakhtoons. With literacy improvement provincial government should also include in their curriculum topics like peace according to Islam and pakhtoon customs and traditions and cut off all the lessons which have a little violence message. Beside this provincial government could also make research work that how they can improve the literacy rate in pakhtoons?  

The literacy rate improvement take time but government and masses should fallow the policy courageously and shouldn’t change the policy. If a government tenure is completed the next government should also follow the same policy. It simply means that government should brought continuity in its policy. This would help the upcoming generation to differentiate easily between peace and violence. They would try to abolish all the customs and traditions from pakhtoon society which might have a small link with violence and against the teaching of Islam.

Enhance Religious Knowledge:

Being a Muslim it is compulsory on every Muslim to get the religious education, without which it would be very difficult for him/her to defend their religion in front of non-Muslims. Using this weakness of Muslims, it could be possible that they might be used against each other on the sacred name of Islam which is being used frequently now days.
Usually most of the pakhtoons are Muslims but sad to say that they haven’t enough religious knowledge. That’s why they are misused on the sacred name of Islam against each other that disturb the peaceful environment of the region. It is important for them to get the religious knowledge. They couldn’t rely on traditional mullahs because most of them were also misused. It is most important that pakhtoon at first should learn the actual teaching and spirit of Islam which is used or being used in the past or present very oftenly like Jihad, Suicide Bomber, religious militancy etc. After understanding these concepts in religious sense they should teach it to other in one or other way according to the situation which will help them to stop people by misusing religion on their behalf.

Being Positive and Accept Responsibility

To bring peace in the region it is important for every pakhtoon to take responsibility on individual bases, because every responsibility whether that is domestic, social or any other should be connected with peace directly or indirectly. For example if a person couldn’t accept domestic responsibility it may be possible that it would disturb the peace environment at home which may led to a social or national level problem. It might be possible that such an individual would be easily used by the enemies of Islam and pakhtoons. On other hand if a pakhtoon accepts domestic responsibility and fulfill it in a good manner, then there would be a peaceful environment which may bring peace in the region.
The other important factor which also plays an important role in bringing peace in pakhtoon’s region is the ‘positiveness’ in the attitude of pakhtoon. Usually every pakhtoon is being negative in his attitude. They should change their attitude avoid negatives and bring positivness in their attitude to every problem. Negativeness in attitude is one of the main factors which led to violent environment.

Choose Eminent Leaders

A good leader can play a vital role in bringing peace at home, in a community, in a society or in a country. This is the leader who leads his nation to progressive and prosperity. If we study the history of pakhtoon’s society we will find a very few eminent leaders among pakhtoons which got fame on national and international level like Sher Shah Suri, Ahmad Shah Abdali, Baacha Khan, Khushkhal Khan and etc. Among those Baacha Khan was the last one after whom pakhtoons couldn’t find a good leader. Though his family produced people like Wali Khan and his son Asfandyar Khan but couldn’t get the fame and did not succeed in reuniting pakhtoons on one platform like Bacha Khan. In simple words it can be said that pakhtoons are lacking a good leadership to play his part in order to reunite pakhtoons and bring peace in the region. A good leader should lead from the front and he should be backed by all the masses.

Be United

To solve a problem of a community or society or region it is important that the masses of the community, region etc. should be united. If they remain disunited then it would be very difficult to solve the problem. Now a days pakhtoon region facing a lot of problems in which violent situation in the region is the most important one. To solve this problem it is important for them to be united against all the factors which are busy in disturbing the peace of the region. So it is important for pakhtoons that they should forget the internal enmity and get united against violence and war on terror to bring peace in the region. On unity Baacha Khan stated that ‘differences make the stronger groups or communities weaker because their whole strength was consumed by destroying his own revival.’

Strict Emigration Rules

To stop violence in pakhtoon region it is important for Pakistan government to strict the emigration rules with their neighbor countries particularly with Afghanistan. Because there is no rules and regulation of visa process with Afghanistan which resultant into the entrance of the foreigners. Most of those foreigners might want to spread violence in pakhtoon region and get their own aims. Suicides bombing are one of its bad examples in which mainly foreign nationals like Uzbiks and Tajiks are involved. For this purpose it is important that Pakistan government should strict the emigration rules with Afghanistan. If Central government isn’t interested then the pakhtoons themselves take the responsibility and should not allow the foreigners from any side to spread violence in their region.

Avoid the un-Islamic Custom and Traditions

As discussed above that lack of religious education is one of the main causes of creating the violence in pakhtoon region. It is too sad to say that most of the pakhtoons are Muslims but they are still following the un-Islamic traditions and customs despite the fact that they are un-Islamic. They give them the name of Pukhtoonwali. Most of those custom and traditions like Swara, enemiacity etc that spread violence in the society. These custom and tradition spread violence in pakhtoons which not only disgrace the sacred name of Islam but also damage the status of pakhtoons and Pukhtoonwali as well.
If pakhtoon wants to get rid of violence and bring peace in the region it is important for them to follow the actual Islamic traditions and get rid of un-Islamic customs and traditions. For this purpose they themselves should enhance their religious knowledge by studying books related to Islam and avoided traditional books. This will not only help them in bringing peace in the region but this would save their Islamic dignity as well.

Stop Foreign Aggression

To bring peace in Pakhtoon region it is important for Pakistan government to stop American aggression in that region. For its selfish aims, USA is trying to destroy the region. If Pakistani government couldn’t stop American from such aggression then it would be very difficult to bring peace in pakhtoon region but very soon that might be spread all over the Pakistan. If American with the help of Pakistan government kills the pakhtoon’s respected elders and other innocent masses it would be very difficult for them to stop pakhtoons from doing violent activities. So it is important for Pakistani government to challenge the American aggression in those areas and stop them.

Provincial Autonomy

If the federal government want to bring peace in Pakistan especially in Pakhtoon region it is important that they should give provincial autonomy to the provinces. This will make the central government stronger because no province can then raise a question on the loyalty of central government.

Pakhtoons Remain Non-Violent

Pakhtoons are naturally aggressive in nature which might spread violence in the society. Due to that aggressiveness, most of the invaders try to suppress them because it may be possible that in the future they create problems for them and it is continuing even day. To defend themselves they remain busy against foreigners which destroyed them almost in all fields of life. If pakhtoons wants to bring peace in the region they should avoid aggressiveness in their nature and remain non-violent. If they couldn’t control their aggressiveness then it would be very difficult for them to keep them selves alive in this universe. That’s why Baacha Khan state that ‘violence spread hates while non-violence spread love.’ Non-violence is not only the message of Baacha Khan but it is the message of Islam. If they are strict Muslims they should follow their religion and its message as well. Through non-violence they can bring peace with in their selves but in the region as well.

Reforms in FATA

Introducing of reforms in FATA can also help in bringing peace in pakhtoon region. In this context Central government should withdraw themselves from ruling directly from FATA and give it a separate status of Province. This would help the central government by solving many violent problems in the region. FATA is faraway from the central government to control the situation through their representative i.e. Governor of NWFP. So it is important that they must have its own elected assembly which can solve their problems according to their customs and traditions.  In this way they themselves can stop foreign aggression and involvement in disturbing the peace situation in the region.
Secondly government should introduce Political Parties Act in FATA that would extend the political activities in the region. Masses would elect their own party members which will increases their eagerness towards politics. This would help them by giving rid of feudal system in the region because in elections usually Maliks takes part.
Thirdly government should make some important changes in Frontier Crime Regulation (FCR), a century old and discriminatory constitutional reform according to the present day situations. For example government should change the clause of FCR in which it is stated that a person should be imprisoned without any charge. Government should also make essential changes in the clause in which it was stated that the alleged person under FCR couldn’t be challenged any where in Pakistan which is totally against the spirit of fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution. Women, children and old persons should be exempted from FCR etc.
In this way the government should established their writs in the areas. Through these and some other reforms government can control the violence situation in the region and bring peace in the region.
Strong Judiciary

Strong judiciary is directly linked with the peaceful environment. If judiciary is strong the law and order situation would be good and environment would be peaceful. But, where people  does not get justice at their doors then the people of that society incline towards aggression and violent activities in order to get revenge or their rights by hook or crook.
To bring peace in the region it is important that government should make judiciary strong. Judiciary should be free from all the interference of the government. Every one should follow the rules and regulations with out any distinction of its profession or high qualification etc. In this way every one would get their rights and they would be satisfied which bring peace in the region.
To make judiciary strong government should encourage Jirgas system on town and village bases. These Jirgas systems would solve the issues according to the situation and customs and traditions of the particular area. This may also helps the people to get rid of weak judicial system.

Role of Non-Governmental Organizations

The role of Non-Governmental organizations couldn’t be ignored in bringing peace in a conflicted area. Usually most of the organization worked for different purpose but their aim is the same that to bring peace in the region. Usually most of the NGOs work in a conflicted area. Few of them works in health and literacy sectors.
It is important for Government (Federal and Provincial) to allow national or international NGOs to work in pakhtoon region to bring peace on their own ways.  

Role of Provincial Government

In any activity the role of government couldn’t be ignored. Without the full support of a government a common man couldn’t fulfill their aims. To bring peace in pakhtoon region it is important that provincial government should play their role. They should encourage all the peaceful activities on individual or community bases in the region and give government support to all those activities. Discouraged the violent activities but not in violent manner and use the non-violence as a weapon. Provincial government should established committees on district bases or at low level of masses which is directly or indirectly affected by violent environment but there names should be kept in top secrets for their safety. These committees should not only observe the situation in their own districts but also should find out the root causes of the violent situation and then give their suggestion that how to overcome on those causes? Provincial government should backed them in proper implementation of all those plane designed by those committees.
Provincial government should also make important change in their syllabus by adding lessons having peaceful message and abolish the violent one. Beside this provincial government should established ‘Pease Studies’ or ‘Defence and Startegic Studies’ department in different universities of the province. These are important for the region because the graduate of those departments can solve the problem of violence peacefully in scientific ways.

Role of Media

The role of media cannot be ignored to highlight the activity in positive or negative way depends upon. If media play a positive role, a negative activity may be made positive or positive activity be made negative. If we closely observed the role of media now a day’s about violent situation in Paksitan particularly in pakhtoon region we find that it is exaggerating the issues. They highlight a minor activity in negative manner for the simple reason to get fame. In this context many news channels released many video which mostly based on violent activities which hurt the masses too much and every one is thinking for revenge.
If both print and electronic media change their attitude and present most of the activities whether violent or peaceful in positive manner it would be possible that it will affect the masses and they would start struggle for bringing peace in the region. Government should ban all the videos based on violence and should guide the media to present pakhtoons as strict Muslims and peaceful nation. This might change the mind of other regarding pakhtoons.    


There is a famous pashto proverb that ‘destruction takes no times but construction takes years’. As the proverb states that violence is destruction and peace is construction. Bringing peace in the region is not a mare process to complete it with in days or with in months but it will take years. For this purpose every pakhtoon on an individual basis should take the responsibility of brining peace in the region. Every one should take the first step by changing his violent behavior. This would help them to establish a peaceful community in a specific area which might affect the adjacent areas and finally led to a peaceful region. For bringing peace in the region or adjacent areas it is important for every individual should take first step from himself. As mother Theresa said,
‘What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.’ It means that if pakhtoons wants to bring peace in their region it is important that they should take first step from their selves. To bring peace in the region pakhtoons should work hard at every place. As Baacha Khan said that: ‘If You (Pukhtoons) are really interested to make your country and nation fertile or peaceful, every one of you will have to work out of skills’. At another place he emphasize on the individual performance as he stated that:’ it is a fact that alone government couldn’t make law and order situation well and make the environment peaceful in the country until masses take their responsibilities and change their selves.’ If pakhtoons fails to bringing peace in the region then they would be slave for ever which might be a shameful deed for them. As pakhtoons have never remained slaves through out the history that’s why Khushkhal Khan Khattak in his poetry state that:

“Za Khuskhal ba Tora pa las kafan pa ghaara rapasam’
Ka khabar shom che pakhtoon da cha ghulam sho”


“I Khuskhal will get up along with my sword from grave if I come to know that pakhtoons became the slaves of anybody else”


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